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Cendi - Worship Nature
'Hồn nhiên, lãng mạn, bản lĩnh, bao dung và khát khao tự do là vốn trời cho. Nếu ta giá trị được món quá ban tặng đó của Ông Trời như phụng dưỡng mẹ cha ta, ta sẽ có được tự do của chính ta. Doanh nhân Cộng đồng luôn âm thầm thờ phụng món quà tự do của ông Trời ban tặng đó ở các cánh rừng già tưởng là giản đơn mà sâu lắng đến ngỡ ngàng' Trần thị Lành 2015!



Soil, Seed, Stream, Sound and Soul are inter-being at HEPA Eco-Farming School

    HEPA summer for children under 15
    Welcoming Singing: Soil Smiling
    Generous Dancing: Seed Singing
    Get to know Swimming: Sand and Stream Flying
    Gather to Sit and Paint: Soul Moving
    Standing up and Moving around: Seed and Soul Wellbeing
    Running game: Seedlings and Soil Mulching
    Observing and Learning: Soil without Clothes and Soil in Beautiful Clothes
    Working Practicing: Soil Laughing
    Presenting Exercise: Shady and Sunny vice- versa
    Setting and Absorbing Soil - Seed- Sand - Swimming - Shady and Sunny
    Communualizing: integrating Soil, Seed, Stream, Sound and Soul
    Soil, Seed, Stream, Sound and Soul are inter-being harmoniously
    Without soil and seed how can we survive?
    Without Stream and Sound how can Soul move?
    Without above five, how can love feel?
    We are inter-being with Soil
    We are inter-depending with Seed
    We are inter - relating with Stream
    We are inter - perceiving with Sound
    WE are inter - feeling with our universal soul
    Without Nature how can human being. We love nature. Nature’s blessing all.

    Facilitator:  Cô Lành
    Download for details!