What has Monsanto been doing in Vietnam?
- On April 18, an International Tribunal publicly presented their recommendations on accusation against Monsanto, an US-based trans-national company, of crimes against human rights and ecology.
Concerning Monsanto’s involvement in supplying Agent Orange to the US military during the Vietnam War and allegations of ecological damage, the International Tribunal, based on provided evidences, could not make conclusions on Monsanto’s possibility to complicity in committing war crimes.
The court, however, acknowledged that Monsanto did supply materials to the US army in the Vietnam War with awareness that their products would be used in this country and affect human health and environment. The court assumed that based on the Rome principles of the International Criminal Court, Monsanto’s activities in Vietnam could be considered as environmental damage.
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Community Entrepreneur and Eco-farming
Why and How Ecological Farming
HEPA Where nature is the Heart of All - Lotte Opdam, 19 years, Holland
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