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Cendi - Worship Nature
'Hồn nhiên, lãng mạn, bản lĩnh, bao dung và khát khao tự do là vốn trời cho. Nếu ta giá trị được món quá ban tặng đó của Ông Trời như phụng dưỡng mẹ cha ta, ta sẽ có được tự do của chính ta. Doanh nhân Cộng đồng luôn âm thầm thờ phụng món quà tự do của ông Trời ban tặng đó ở các cánh rừng già tưởng là giản đơn mà sâu lắng đến ngỡ ngàng' Trần thị Lành 2015!



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HEPA Eco-Farming School vs Corona (19/06/2020)

Why, when people all over the world feel so scared and worried about the Corona virus (COVID-19), for example, wearing face masks whenever going out, do HEPA and its people keep living so confidently and peacefully in harmony with nature. ...


Eco-farming Practice-based Training (Basic course) 10 – 14 June 2020 (13/06/2020)

HEPA Huyen Vi is a biodiversity preservation area which is located in the upper catchment of the Ngan Pho river. HEPA Huyen Vi was restored from a depleted watershed forest into a rich one with the 50-year land use rights Certificate issued by the Ha Tinh Provincial People’s Committee ...


Young Woman Farmer’s Contribution to Sustainable Development in Vietnam (13/12/2019)

Ms. Mai Thuy Huyen is a dedicated young female farmer, with long term interests in biology studies and is passionate about gardening following her own ways, her own heart ...


17 Articles provided by LISO that have been included in the New Forest Law No.16/2017/QH14 of the Vietnamese Government (29/10/2019)

There include six new terms now recognized by Law:
1. Living Space for Indigenous People (IP);
2. Community Sacred Forest of IP...


Agro-Ecology – an Understanding and Practicing with The Indigenous Ethnic Minority Community in Mekong Countries (09/10/2019)

Agro-ecology is a short name which combined Cultivation and Ecology in one term “Agro-ecology”. ...


LISO Alliance Code of Good Conduct (14/08/2019)

The LISO Alliance Code of Good Conduct sets out the vision, values, principles, commitments, and standards of expected behaviour to guide the behaviour of all individuals employed by or acting on behalf of member organisations. ...


How Acacia mono-plantations kill the soil (08/05/2019)

The natural forest/vegetation is slashed and burned in a large area before planting the Acacia, leading to a loss of the top soil that contains all essential nutrients and micro-organisms when seasonal heavy rain and strong wind occur. ...


Conflict resolutions in land allocation process - The case of the Ka Dong ethnic group in Dak Nen commune, Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province, Vietnam (04/04/2019)

In 1999, the Government of Vietnam enacted Decree 163/CP aiming at promoting effective use of forestry land by granting long-term land certificates to organizations, households, individuals. ...


Community-based resolution of inadequacies and conflicts in the forest and land allocation in Dak Nen commune, Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province (2017-2018) (20/03/2019)

Dak Nen commune is located in the north west of Kon Plong district, 75 km away from the district centre. Dak Nen has borders with Kon Tum, Quang Nam and Quang Ngai provinces ...


The group of activists and group from Kachin State, Myanmar visiting CENDI (12/03/2019)

At CENDI we feel very honored to have this opportunity to welcome and sharing our experiences today on Land rights, Forests and Environmental conservation to various activists and group from Myanmar, Kachin state and also colleagues from ADC, Thai Nguyen. ...
