01-27-2022 - 03:01:07
Continued Strengthening Livelihood Sovereignty for Villagers Wellbeing through Approaching Holistic Landscape Ecosystem Components
- Challenges facing Indigenous People in PoE, Mang Canh and Dak Nen communes today
With the globalisation of the market economy in a relentless search for ever-increasing levels
of economic growth, the balance of humans and nature is being rapidly destroyed. This is
nowhere more clear than in the chemicalization of agriculture and plunder of natural resources
that has now reached its ecological limit. In an effort to overcome natural limitations, countries
are now turning to artificial intelligence and digital technologies for the precision application
of chemical inputs, and searching out new territories to apply these techniques. As a result,
indigenous communities all over the world are suffering new forms of land dispossession and
livelihood destruction as these new technologies encroach upon their territories. Traditional
systems of food production based upon a human-nature balance and which contain important
lesson for human survival are being destroyed. The latter need to be protected, preserved and
strengthened for the lessons they contain and the populations they support. This is more than
just a social justice issue; it is an issue of species survival. This proposal for strengthening the
holistic landscape approach of villagers in Kon Plong district for their livelihood sovereignty
and wellbeing seeks to address this challenge.
The 3 R1’s Universal View of IP (HRE, CA DOONG, M’NAM, SE DANG in Kon Plong
‘3R’ is the Vietnamese acronym for Rung (Forest) - Ray (upland farm) - Ruong (rice field). It
represents the ecological interconnectedness of the three landscape zones utilized in traditional
composite (composed of many forms) highland farming systems. ‘3R’ is an indigenous
knowledge-based Ecological Landscape Management and Governance system that has been
maintained sustainably for hundreds of years from one generation to another.
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