Tran thi Lanh (1989-1999-2009)
Participatory Action Research - How does SPERI doing the research of Traditional Up-Land Rotational Farming which has been practicing by Indigenous People in Mekong Region (21/03/2021)
Invite healers to share their knowledge of herbal medicinal plants by mapping the village landscape on A0 paper showing location of plants, giving their names and describing their uses, time (season and time of day) of harvesting... ...
Understanding Participatory Action Research by Livelihood Sovereignty (LISO) (10/03/2021)
Action Research is research undertaken to devise a set of actions to bring about a certain practical result. ...
‘Gender Equality’ Understanding in the Ethnic Minority Society (22/12/2020)
There are over 54 ethnic groups in Vietnam. They are landing some where they feel that is their home. Just feeling so. Not thinking or considering as Vietnamese Kinh. Each group has it’s own way of tracing descent group membership ...
A comparison of Food Sovereignty and Livelihood Sovereignty (02/12/2020)
‘Food Sovereignty’ is defined as “the right of local people to control their own food systems, including markets, ecological resources, food cultures and productive modes ...
Interdependence between Food Sovereignty, Ecologism and Biological Human Ecology (21/09/2020)
Food Sovereignty began as an international farmers’ movement in the 1990s. Farmers claimed that the people who produce the food should control its production and distribution. ...